Sidewalk Astronomy sessions are usually held in front of the Chapters store in the Kanata Centrum plaza, 400 Earl Grey Drive. Here is a map to the exact location.
We usually set up at, or shortly before, dark. This varies from 6:30 in winter to 8:30-9:00 in summer. We generally pack up when the flow of people stops, which is usually when Starbucks or Chapters close, about 10:30-11:00 PM.
Anyone is welcome to visit us at these events. There is no charge and we are not trying to sell you anything. You should understand that the light pollution at this location is so bad that there are really only four objects we can observe:
- The Moon;
- Saturn (in season);
- Jupiter (in season); and
- Venus (in season)
Generally we hold the events when the Moon and, ideally, one of Saturn or Jupiter are visible. We will not be able to show visitors other interesting astronomical objects from this location — the light is too bright. To see other deep-sky objects, attend one of our star parties at darker sites.
Please let me know of your next event. Thanks