Ottawa Astronomy Clubs & Groups
- Ottawa Centre of the Royal Astronomical Society of Canada
- Ottawa RASC Mailing list for discussing and planning outreach events.
- OAFs (You are here)
Astronomy Web Sites and Blogs
- Wikipedia’s entry on Amateur Astronomy
- Phil Plait’s Bad Astronomy blog
- Richard McDonald’s Astronomy Writings for beginners
Astronomy Discussion Groups
Equipment Information Sites
- Articles on Andy’s Shot Glass. We like the video tutorials on this site. But we have no opinion as to whether it’s a good place to buy from.
- Astrophotography with Canon DSLRs Of course he hopes it will inspire you to buy his books but we have no opinion on that either.
Free Astronomy Software
- Carts du Ciel Star Charting / Planetarium software.
- Stellarium Multi-platform Planetarium Software (PC, Mac, Linux).
- RegiStax Image processing software
- PLOP automated mirror-cell designer
- Virtual Moon Atlas superb moon atlas software
How to Buy A Telescope
(Actually, we recommend you *don’t* buy a telescope. Instead, come to our star parties and try the different types of telescopes. Buy when you know what you like and dislike about different models.)
- Good advice from the OTT Planetarium.
- The Heretic’s Guide
Equipment Reviews
- Cloudy Nights equipment reviews
- Ed Ting’s
- Todd Gross’s short telescope reviews
- Sky News Magazine telescope reviews
- Northern Virginia Astronomy Club scope reviews
- Excelsis equipment reviews
Buy & Sell Sites
- Astromart astronomy classifieds
- Astro-buy-sell Canadian astronomy classifieds
Forecasts and News
- Clear Sky Charts Astronomer’s weather forecast
- Spaceweather Space and Astronomy news and alerts.